TIMPEST AQUA ANTITARLO FUNGICIDA, specifically against wood borers, has an efficient fungicidal effect that makes it specifically suitable for treating all types of wooden articles that are exposed to the weather.
- It is important to use the product as a pre-emptive measure.
- TIMPEST AQUA ANTITARLO FUNGICIDA is easy to apply both by professional operators and by DIY users.
- Insecticide and fungicide.
- Ideal for wide and exposed surfaces.
- TIMPEST AQUA ANTITARLO FUNGICIDA contains active substances that are useful against other microorganisms like blue fungus, which cause soft cavities or rotting in the structure of the wood.
uses and methods of use
- for palisades, walls, flooring, tables, chairs, sunbeds, deck chairs and any other wooden articles that are meant for outdoor use.
- Absolutely recommended for the treatment of parts – besides cracks, holes and crevices – that have been cut and that present a more porous surface and thus are more easily exposed to the risk of having eggs deposited by wood borers
- It is applied for its anti-wood borer and fungicidal effects.
- The water base doesn’t produce any form of evaporation as is the case of the solvent base, and has been especially researched for difficult applications.
TIMPEST AQUA ANTITARLO FUNGICIDA can be applied with a brush, with a roller or by immerging the object.
It is applied in one or two coats on all wooden exterior surface
- The more product the wood absorbs, the greater the anti-wood borer and anti mould effect is.
- For painted or lacquered woods, where absorption is weaker, it is advised to remove the superficial layer before applying.
- The product is not to be diluted.
- For curative treatments 200-300 ml/m2. For pre-emptive treatments 100-200 ml/m2. The amount of product to be used varies depending on the type of wood or on the previous treatments that it has received in the past.
- For further treatments after having applied TIMPEST AQUA ANTITARLO FUNGICIDA it is advised to keep on using water based products.
1 litre
3 litres
10 litres
20 litres
The product can be requested in high quantities for industrial uses that require greater amounts.
The product is compliant with the European Laws regarding “biocidal products